Think about what your life looks like right now in this
hour. Are you happy, grieving, complacent, floating, on track or optimistic?
All of the emotions that have wrapped themselves in the fabric of your daily
life feel fresh and easily noted. Think about your life a year ago. Can you
pinpoint specific emotions that you were feeling at the time? Can you even
remember exactly what was happening one year ago? I don’t mean just a general
“I was in school” or “I was starting keto”. I mean can you remember a single
raw emotion that brought itself into your daily routine? If you can, I feel
that it’s safe to assume that whether it was positive or negative, the emotion
that you can pick out was a strong one. Something important happened to you and
you remember how it felt. Other than situations like that, it can be very
difficult to really remember our emotional state from one year ago.
All of that
to say, I really don’t know where I was last year. I know that I was planning
my wedding, battling my senior year, and looking forward to a new and ‘better’
position at a job I loved. I was excited and looking forward to the future and
everything that it held for me. I cannot pinpoint a single emotion for that
time because I was so scattered. If I think back about two or more weeks my
emotions seem almost too fresh.
For a
little bit of back-story, I have only ever had one job. If you know me, you
know that it was the perfect job for me. I loved it. I started that job when I
was in a very dark place in my personal life. I was lonely and scared of the
future. This job gave me friends and hope. I grew up in a tiny box with some of
the most incredible people to share the journey with. I went through a break
up, the entirety of college, a new relationship, a wedding, and everything that
happened in between while I worked my way up in that building. That building
was my second home and those people were my second family. I cannot even
express the importance and impact that my first job had on me as a person.
Up until
recently, this job was my place. I loved being there. We all know that things
change and this little building was no different. The crew changed, attitudes
changed, and the environment changed. A younger crew brought with them some extra drama. A personal life event made work steadily become more hostile. Tired of trying to defend myself so constantly, I began
looking for another job, knowing that I wanted to leave before the job became
something bitter to me. Long story short, I did not succeed. However, God was
watching me and gave me an incredible new job just as my current one became
Just to
clarify before I go on, I am doing just fine. I am happy and excited about
everything that is coming my way. Back to my original point: everything that
has happened recently was crushing me. I felt myself slipping into a dark place
and I was struggling to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Just as it was
all falling apart and I was crumbling, the tunnel opened and all I can see is
All of this to say that God has
shown me again and again that even when I feel myself sinking, He is planning
ahead and preparing everything(including me). I know that no matter how dark I feel, as long
as I keep moving forward I will find the light again. This is why no matter
what my circumstances are, I will pull myself out of bed. Even if my feet are
dragging, my head is fuzzy, or I feel numb. Even if I am full of joy, full of
energy, and succeeding, I will fall to my knees and ask my Father to help me
through the day. Even if the day before me seems easy and exciting, I do not
want to go through it without acknowledging that I am not going through it
alone. I have the blessing of knowing that I never have to go through this life
on my own. If I am surrounded by darkness, it is the Light inside of me that will
get me through. I also know that when I look back a year from now, even if I
remember my sadness it will not cut the way that it did so recently. Time can
seem slow, but it does heal. If the darkness is around you right now, I am thinking of you and I know that even though it may not feel like it, it will get better. I could not tell you about a dark time in my life that never got better in the end, and I pray you will never be able to either.
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