Lessons Learned

     As I always say, it's usually the little things that get me. Eating monkey bread for breakfast on my birthday, being able to stay a perfect temperature all night long, waking up to an acoustic guitar and my brother singing, or finding a song with those perfect lyrics. As much as I listen to music, I have found so many songs that I love not because of the artist or the beat or honestly even the music. I love lyrics. Something about being able to put everything you're thinking into words and having it sound awesome is something I appreciate, because I'm terrible at it.

     Another thing I love is God's timing. The way He knows exactly what I need at any given moment blows my mind. For instance, a song I hadn't heard in years came on my iPod recently. Lessons Learned by Carrie Underwood. This song screams truth and is so honest and relatable because of the past three years of my life. I know my trials may not seem big to many, but to me personally, at thirteen, everything was too much and I'll confess, I made mistakes. In all honestly, though, I am so thankful for the past three years because I am so much better than I was. My faith has grown immensely and I owe it to God turning me upside down and showing me that He is there, even when it feels like no one else is. 

     "There's mistakes that I have made, some chances I just threw away. Some roads I never should've taken, been some signs I didn't see, hearts that I hurt needlessly. Some wounds, that I wish I could have one more chance to mend. But it don't make no difference, the past can't be rewritten, you get the life you're given. And every tear that had to fall from my eyes, everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night, every change, life has thrown me. I'm thankful, for every break in my heart, I'm grateful, for every scar."
     The human race has mastered the art of complaining. No matter what God has been gracious enough to bless us with, we just want, want, want. Some of you know what my "trials" have been over the past few years, and those that don't, long story short, I let people get in the way of God and He didn't like that, so He changed it. During it, I complained like the Israelites on a hot day. I felt so alone, I felt like I would never be completely okay again. (Keep in mind that I was thirteen! At thirteen, friends=life.) Looking back, though, I can see all of the ways that God showed me that He was there. It wasn't until I fully realized that and got my foundation steadied in Him, that He put my life back together again. God took this torn down, unfocused, crushed, scared- to- trust girl and made her into the girl you see today. While I still take longer to let people see behind "the walls", I am more confident in myself, my faith is steady, I don't care what people think anymore, I just want to make my Savior proud to call me His child. I am thankful beyond expression for every break in my heart, every scar, and every chance God has given me to mend wounds.
