Coming When I'm Called

     For anyone who has kids or watches kids often, you know how frustrating it is when they don't do something that they are told to do. I was wondering tonight how many times exactly I've done that not just to my parents, but to my Father. I'm betting too many times to count. If you know anything about me at all, chances are that one thing you know is that I am incredibly stubborn. I know what I want and I'm not afraid to fight for it. I've been known to play the "nuh-uh, uh-uh" game with children much younger than myself and have won. If I don't want to do something, I will complain like a three year old, I'll confess it!
     I was reading Matthew chapter two tonight and noticed how every time it said that God "called" Joseph to do something, He immediately did it. Right at that moment, even if it was in the middle of the night. No arguing, no asking questions, he simply trusted his Father and did as he was told. God told Joseph to follow through on his marriage, even after he found out that his wife was pregnant and that the baby wasn't his own, and he did. God told Joseph to flee from Herod, leaving the rest of his family, his friends, and his job behind him, to an entirely different place, and he did. Then God told Joseph to move back out of Egypt and into Nazareth, still not his home, and he did it. I want to be more like Joseph.
     Sure, I don't always try to get out of what God is calling me to do, but I definitely do it sometimes. Whether it's from fear, letting myself get too distracted to even hear what God is calling me to do, or just plain not wanting to do it. I don't want to be a frustration to my Father. I want to make Him as proud as possible to call me His child. I want to come when I'm called, no questions, no arguing, no fear. Following blindly will be scary, but it will keep me on my toes. It will be interesting to see where I end up when I let go of my pride long enough to let God take over. I know, though, it will be somewhere amazing because if God is involved, it's already miles more amazing than anything I could ever do on my own.
